The GV flip-flop-loxP Collection of Conditional Loss-of-Function Alleles
We are generating a collection of conditional "flip-flop-loxP" alleles that allow a specific gene to be turned off or on at any time in any cell type for a large fraction of the conserved genes in Drosophila. This collection is distinct from existing resources as it allows mitosis-independent modulation of gene activity, enabling mosaic analysis of gene function during different development stages and in adults. Moreover, this method allows restoration of gene function with full cell-type and temporal control.
The original flip-flop technique was published by Dr. Hugo Bellen's group in 2017 (Nagarkar-Jaiswal et al. eLife 2017;6:e26420) and full details about how this system works can be found in that publication. We made one significant improvement to the original flip-flop cassette reported in that work: we have put flanking loxP sites on either side of the eGFP cassette such that this cassette can be easily removed in the event that the in-frame eGFP fusion disrupts normal protein function.
The list of flip-flop-loxP alleles that we have completed and that are ready to ship to you today are shown below. This list will be updated regularly as we are continuing to generate additional alleles. The first five stocks of any given order would be $75 each, stocks 6-20 would be $60 each, and >21 will be $50 each.
The complete table of flip-flop-loxP alleles can be downloaded at link. Please email if you have any questions.